With a poor incomer, it is possible to have a high pressure unvented but you need a pump on the output from a big cistern feeding it. That cistern can be located anywhere (so long as you have a couple of flapper type non return valves in the output to stop back flow and you have seriously sized overflow on the tank just in case.
Doing it that way put the weight somewhere much safer.
So let me have this right. I put large tanks where I like, supply a sealed system pumped from this. I'm no fan of storing all that weight in my loft, and it won't be cheap or easy. If I go the sealed route, I've water at the pressure of my supply pump, stored somewhere safer? I can still move my HW tank into the loft, or anywhere really, but I've lost the massive CW tank in the loft. CW tank is now a supply tank placed any where I like as well? Have I got it?
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