Hi all
I nearly posted this story in the open forum but thought it’s better here. Forgive some vaugeness as this was a couple of months ago now.
I was doing a gas safety check for a land lord when I discovered the meter was under reading, an lfe fire came out at 3kw on full and the combi only...
hi guys, if a meter was installed externally by a gas transporter in the past in a box, is it the responsibility of them or gas supplier to keep it in adequate condition or replacement if it missing?
Hi All - another dumb question, so apologies in advance. Today I opened the meter box at my "new" 80s terrace to take meter readings for the first time. There was a wiff of a gas smell, which disappeared in the fresh air and didn't return. I will repeat this tomorrow to confirm, but I think...
I wonder if someone can help answer some questions please.
In our house we have two boilers : a 37kw and a 30kw.
The max flow rate required for the two is 4.1 and 3.24 cu m/h (7.34 cu m/h)
this exceeds the meters limit of 6 cu m/h.
What options do I have resolve?
I have been told that a...
Came across a job today and I can’t seem to find anything in my book to say it’s wrong?
Basically the gas meter box is out side with an ecv and regulator which has then been attached to pipework which I then followed to come into the property
when it runs into the property there is an ecv...
Chap came to service boiler in a relative's house. Said it was old and just advised a modern condensing boiler was recommended. He didn't test it or even turn it on. It is about 20 years old but had been working ok up until my relative died. He tested the line at the meter which showed what he...
Hi everyone, happy new year. I Hope you all had a good christmas.
I have received an email from a cust asking me to move their gas meter. Less than a meter apparently. From a larder cupboard to an outside wall.
The gas supplier would have to repipe the supply and move the meter I know but...
Probably been asked before but, is there anywhere you can buy these things?
I dropped one in a gravel bed today and couldn't find it at all.
Luckily I had a spare one that came from an old installation so I fitted that and it tested ok but I don't want to be in a similar situation and find that...
Who, when you take a working pressure at the meter in a property with multi appliances (or boiler and cooker) record the measurement on a cp12 with all the appliances working?
Or do you just have the appliance with the largest load on?
I don't have MET 1
Can I move this meter , would be keeping the anaconda and just moving it down as far as it would reach -250mm, new bracket and repipe the outlet.
Or is it a no go
So recently my meter was moved from under the statirs to outside,now the earth bonding has to be put on where the meter was moved. Cadent left a note telling us it needs to be done
Under the stairs where the meter used to be had an earth bonding that went straight to the electric meter. Now...
Hi, Sorry for posting the obvious to the more experienced of you, I've just come across a meter in a box with the gas pipe going out through the back via the spigot, The transporter had apparently come and changed the regulator a couple of weeks ago, my issue is that there is a lot of what looks...
Hi All
I have had a problem with a leaking toilet (and consequently a horrendous water bill!) but that is now fixed. But still the water meter turns - very slowly - the last of 4 red digits increments once per minute. So I presume that is 1/1000 m3 per minute? (or 1.4m3 per day!) That is still...
HI, sorry if ive posted this in the wrong part of the forum but im after some information on BK-G4 gas meters. Mainly do they make an imperial one?
Ive has a smart meter fitted and my bills have dropped by an absoloutley shocking amount. I've been looking through my old bills and it says i...
Currently I am in the process of moving a water meter, within the same room (with the water company's ) agreement. After which they will inspect it and seal it.
The nuts attaching the compression fittings to either side of the water meter have a couple of holes around the nut besels so that...
Hello all, looking for a new job and trainee smart meter fitter in a fourteen week course turned up. The course involves a mix of classroom and field instruction and lasts fourteen weeks, the recruiter states the course is part self funded and the rest by an employer. Is fourteen weeks enough to...
Hi all,
I've moved home recently and was curious to see how much change in the water meter reading having a bath would have - The meter is in the downstairs toilet so I can see the reading. I've noticed however that after a bath, there was no change at all in the reading, if I run any taps...