I'm getting an e119 error which I assume is low water pressure. I'm turning the 2 valves that I think should increase pressure but I'm not getting anything. Any ideas?
We are installing a Tado smart system in our house and want to connect the wireless receiver into the Potterton Titanium boiler. There is currently a Salus RT500BC attached where the timer was. My query is how do we deactivate the Salus? Is a question of just removing the batteries from the...
Good afternoon all, I am a commercial gas engineer so little experience with domestic (although fully qualified). I have a problem with a Potterton combi gold whereas I initially had no heating. I looked at the actuator on the diverter which was not driving so for £12:50 I just ordered a new...
A good friend living in Suffolk has a Potterton Gold 12kW Electric boiler and for some months it has been coming on intermittently. Now it does not work at all. There is no problem with the temp/time controller and in fact I have placed a switch on the call input for testing. The power light is...
I have now established that my boiler, a Baxi Potterton Performa 30 HE will only work in relay (on/off) mode.
Looking at the wiring diagram below, which terminals would I connect to the new version of the extension box? Tado won't tell me. When I installed my first Tado system on an older...
Looking to connect a Tado extension kit and smart thermostat to a Potterton Performa 30 HE boiler. Is this boiler OpenTherm compatible, or does it have some other eBUS for digital control? I can find absolutely nothing online and the the installation manual does not mention digital control. If...
This post is a continuation of my post of yesterday entitled Short cycling in Potterton Kingfisher, BUT with an important change in information. In my previous post, I gave the sequence of events as follows:
a) Fan starts running
b) A few seconds later the green Flame LED lights up
c) A...
Our boiler is an old (installed in 2005), Potterton Kingfisher (MF 40-100), using a pressurised system. It recently started short cycling, where the pump runs for a few seconds and then the green LED Flame indicator lights and a couple of seconds later both the pump and the LED stop. This...
I have a customer with a Potterton Suprima boiler that keeps locking out with a red flashing light. If you reset the boiler it fires up fine and heating and hot water work etc and then it just locks out again after an hour or so.
Everything looks in order and flue is clear, customer had a new...
I’ve been called out to a problem with a Potterton Powermax involved.
The water pressure coming out of every tap dies off after around 30-50 secs.
I took the multi-block off & pressure tested the mains where I have over 4 bar coming in. I changed the multi-block & although I have a slight...
Hi there! I moved house a few months ago, and our boiler has packed it in (great timing eh?) It's an old thing (potterton kingfisher MF),but was installed in a room in the center of the house with the flue extending out the side wall onto an alley that actually belongs to our neighbour. We had...
Hi Guys,
Have a customer who has a Potterton 80el and when running heating after a few hours the red overheat stat button at the bottom of the boiler pushes out and boiler wont fire up. Customer has said if they reset the button they heating could work for a few hours or for the whole day...
We have been given two part numbers for the electrode kit for our Promax boiler but the reference is for the Gold. Will we be ok to use the electrode kit 5132366
Had a plumber out and he quickly (maybe too quickly) said PCB and quoted £300-400, before spending out on a new board what else might it be guys/ gals?
Hi - Long shot, but I need a new or good condition front cover for a potterton profile 60E (41 605 42) boiler. Anyone have one for sale?? Not available at the usual spares outlets.
Hoping someone can help. Moved in to our new house a week ago. The boiler is a Potterton Promax Combi 28 HE. Discovered it was losing pressure overnight and we'd get the E119 message and no heating or hot water until we repressurised.
Checked all radiators and discovered a few small leaks which...
I have had a call from a customer to say her boiler is making a popping sound and it turns out, she has not been able to hear it but her friend said its being doing it for a while. I was sent a video of the boiler, showing the flame through the window. Main flame looks good but it looks like the...
Hi All
Issue with kingfisher potterton cf150.
Seems to be issue with solenoid on gas valve.
Ignition lit and staying on
Stat working as should
Pumps motorised valves etc working
Just seems although clicking solenoid not opening something. But definitely getting an electro charge as a...
I've just moved into a property with a Powermax HE boiler, and it only seems to produce one showers worth of hot water at a time. I then have to boost it for an hour before we can get another shower.
The hot water is set to come on from 13:00 to 17:00 every day.
Its controlled by a Hive system...