Hi Currently undergoing a loft conversion, looking at the soil pipe details
I have found a vast difference in Prices in this case do you get more "bang for your buck" Ie Osma = Rolls Royce or will a lesser alternative still have the Longevity ? any recommendations gratefully received
The waste pipe that's been concreted into the building wall, and runs out into a cast iron soil stack has a crack in it. It is a part of the soil stack and will have to be cut out/or smashed out. If I was to cut the cast iron below this point, put a pvc branch in with a pvc to cast iron soil...
Hi people.
Im really struggling for ideas on a soil run and whether using a durgo is sufficient. Basically the soil pipe comes up from groundfloor wc into the bathroom. It used to continue up into the loft and out the roof, teeing off in the bathroom to pick up appliances. The room is tiny...
I have a copper soil stack (def copper) that I am hoping to take out, runs through the house, pops out the roof, which is leaking anyway!
What’s the best way to connect? I plan on cutting a couple inches before the pipe goes underground, can I stick a connector in, assuming it fits like...
A mate of mine has just bought a house and wants to fit a toilet/basin downstairs. Only issue is the soil pipe is cast iron which I have never dealt with before.
What’s the best way to connect onto it and what fittings do you think I would need?
Looking for some advice, I am getting a drain/sewage smell coming from my kitchen soil stack. It’s always been there since I moved in only a few months ago, I had a new kitchen put in and one thing I remember is the drain pipe got bashed about a bit when the kitchen was getting done.
I've just had a little leak from my toilet so I'm planning to replace it and now doing the measurements to see what my options are. I'm confused by the way the soil pipe was connected 25 years ago by the builders.
Is the WC 90° connector pushed into a 110mm 92.5° bend single socket ? If so, is...
Hi everyone need a little help. I am planing on moving my bathroom and need to run a new soil pipe. Luckily for the most part the joists don’t get in the way except at either end of the run.
My joists are 175mmx60mm, obviously I don’t have death wish so can’t just punch a 115mm hole either end...
Chaps...I have installed a new 110 soil stack which has 2 elbows on the bottom end each has a 50mm push fit socket.
One of the sockets will not seal even though it only has the boiler conden pipe dribbling into it.
Is there any sealer that I can put into the socket to help create a reliable seal?
Hi all. I'm struggling for inspiration on a very small bathroom. One of the issues is that the soil pipe goes straight up the middle of one of the walls. My question is, can a AAV be used on the main stack to a house? I've always thought it's a no no but I'm being told other wise. Any afvice...
Ive got a big project on the go of a office conversion to flats and at the moment, due to the terrible lay out we have 11 soil stacks in the loft all over the place. The architect wants all the vents to exit in a nice line at the rear of the property which is going to mean massive runs of 110...