Hi upinor underfloor heating keeps locking out. By this I mean if you switch off electrical supply for approx 30 secs then switch back on it works again.
Has anybody experienced this ??
A builder has asked me to put the ufh manifold in the basement which will then feed the ground floor (the pipes will all be above the manifold)
I think that any manifold MUST go above pipe loops for air bubble/airlock prevention what say you guys????
Hi All,
I have installed UFH in my kitchen extension. Problem is to get it started. I can feel that hot water is going trough pump, but no heat water is coming back. So I thought either it's connected wrong or I have a air in the system. Please see file attached with pipework explained. So this...
hello all engineers,
how ow to set up the underfloor heating appropriate?
shall I just set it up on the manifold itself like on the thermostat which looks similar to the thermostat on rads as well as on those knobs which are indicating how much water is going through the underfloor heating ...
Considering underfloor heating in two rooms, having seen that Viessmann produce a piece of kit to compliment the 200 series boiler and mix the water for the underfloor heating.
The question I had is this worth it? Seems quite expensive as additional pieces of kit go (nearly the cost of the...