As you can hear in the youtube video, linked further down, our boiler is very noisy and sounds like a fog horn when you flush the toilet. Is there anything we can do to prevent it or do we have to call for a plumber to fix it? Would be very grateful for answers since our experiences with...
I was asked to repair a Vokera Mynute 25 EHE last week. It was intermittently locking out and after being reset would operate ok anywhere from 1-5 days. Usually it would lock out at peak demand.
I went along done a visual inspection of the set up, the flue had 2 fairly long hair line cracks...
Bit baffled. fires up gets to temperature on DHW then cuts without modulating at all. I've removed and inspected the Secondary heat exchanger, water passes thru both sides ok.
Can't find a resistance reading for the sensors dhw was at 9.7Kohms.
At one stage I did get a 07 error (primary...
after spending some considerable time on this piece of junk i am now befuddled. burner on both ch and dhw mode burner goes out for 3 mins relights for 3 mins goes out and on and on the whole system was full of sludge so i have removed all the crap and cleaned out hex replaced worn pump head and...
I was advised by a forum advisor to ask for help in this section as i cant actually DIY it or have ago myself legally and i would ask for someone that knows what their doing to come help identify the problem and fix it for me.
I'm thinking that the problem is the pump, but then i go on to to...
Hi. I have more or less the exact problem!! "Solid red light", starts up with gas ignition for "5 or so seconds" then goes off, reignites for another "5 or so secs" then I get the same solid red light!!
Can an anyone please help as I can't afford for an engineer??
i would appreciate any help...
Hi guy, I've read thread where a couple of boilers have had similar issues to the one I was looking at last night.Got there and the fan was cycling on and off every couple of seconds, I cleaned the venturi tubes with a pipe cleaner and then blew/sooked in the air pressure switch. The fan...
Thanks for looking. Installing a Vokera Vision 25C. Finished putting in service cocks and went to put on the filling loop and there was no washers. Put it on thinking it must have an internal seal, but it started dripping when I started filling up to commission it. After 5 when I...