double on bottom than top 20mm and 10cm squared per kw with no adventicious ventilatiom, am i close, then outside is as per normal
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apprenticeships are day release 8 hours for 36 weeks a year and for 4 years, now you do the maths. Poor advice leads to incorrect decisions, your post is not only incorrect but dangerous for people wnating to train as they need the correct facts
It is not dangerous, these are facts, when you work out the amount of time it is pretty much the same and when you learn all together, you in-bed it in your brain, when you go 1 day a week, you can forget things from one week to the next. It is my opinion and i thought this forum was to express your opinions.
"why do you think people must take you on??"
because if they do not, the industry will go down hill due to plumbers like me having to go out and learn on the job with no previous experience.
I was on about the tech cert level 2 is 10 weeks, level 3 is 10 weeks, NVQs are 6 days each so in total it is 106 days plus gas training.
over 4 years at 36 weeks you will spend 144 days a year at college, minus the days that the college mess you around, the days that you spend not learning anything and the days where the kids mess around. so roughly the same.
When i went to college the first term was spent waiting for a tutor to turn up as the first one quit within 1 week of the start of term. so of your 36 weeks, we only actually got 28 weeks, then we taught ourselves as the tutor joined in with the younger kids messing around and then 2 weeks before the end of term, he got sacked, I would never go back to college after my experience. The facts. The fast track is exactly the same as the college for training (not including the stupidly fast track courses). 2 weeks to become a plumber is absolutely rubbish, nobody offers this, they only say that and when you sign up they tell you its actually a lot longer then that.
Now where I agree with everybody is, college / training centres can only teach you so much. The only place you will really learn is in the workplace. If somebody has done 5 years working as a plumber then he will be hundreds better then somebody who went to college for 5 years with no work experience. And the person who worked and went to college 1 day a week will be millions better. You do not learn how to empty water from the pipes before you start work or to empty a toilet before you work on it.
4 years of day release, the other 4 on site learning your trade. this is far in excess of any of the fast track courses and much better.
if this is yor opinion then this is fine, it seemed to come over as fact, i pointed out it isnt fact, if you want to carry on believing it then fine, thats your choice. i will always post the facts for newbies to read and learn. i founf college excellent, teaching and learning was excellent, tutors very knowledgable and in it for the long term, not until people stop paying silly money and then off on the next venture
I agree with Fuzzy. 10 weeks or 50 days training in this industry is a joke. A real apprenticeship is for 4 years and only in year 2 (or when your considered capable enough) can you actually do work.
There are too many of these fast track plumbers that have little practical on the job experience and they are taking away work from the rest of us who slogged our guts out for years to reach the standard we have now. No sympathy on the lack of your progress on the job front either. There's too many of you now and not enough work to go round so that's why you can't get a job. I for one will only take on a school leaver and give him a proper apprenticeship so that he has the correct training on and off the job.
Fast track? Says it all really.
Sorry Fuzzy, was watching a bit telly there.
The boiler is rated at 60000btu so you convert it to kw by dividing by 3414 = 17.58kw
As it is an old boiler, unless it states the output is net on the data plate, assume it is gross so divide 17.58 by 1.1 = 15.98 rounded up is 16kw.
If the cupboard (compartment) is vented direct from outside you base you vent sizes on the FULL input of the boiler
Vent sizes would be 16 x 5cm = 80cm² at high level and 16 x 10cm = 160cm² at low level
If however the compartment is vented to the kitchen and then to outside you need to calculate the compartment vent based on overall input which would be 16 x 10cm = 160cm² for high level and 16 x 20cm = 320cm² for low level.
You then need to calculate the combustion air requirement from outside so deduct 7kw from the 16kw for adventitious air = 9kw x 5cm = 45cm² needed
Easy innit. Try to remember that one as you will need it.
I agree with Fuzzy. 10 weeks or 50 days training in this industry is a joke. A real apprenticeship is for 4 years and only in year 2 (or when your considered capable enough) can you actually do work.
There are too many of these fast track plumbers that have little practical on the job experience and they are taking away work from the rest of us who slogged our guts out for years to reach the standard we have now. No sympathy on the lack of your progress on the job front either. There's too many of you now and not enough work to go round so that's why you can't get a job. I for one will only take on a school leaver and give him a proper apprenticeship so that he has the correct training on and off the job.
Fast track? Says it all really.
send me a PM with an email address and i will send you someIs there anyone who knows how to get some sample questions fpr my acs i have it booked for friday. I am bricking it.
Reply to the thread, titled "fully qualified plumber in two weeks." which is posted in UK Plumbers Forums on Plumbers Forums.
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