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I used to be married to one of them.
On the other hand, I had the misfortune to work for a woman who was impatient, nasty, know it all, extremely fussy woman. I kept my cool and eventually fixed her old toilet that frankly very few plumbers would or could have.
Discovered from a friend of hers that she has OCD and doesn't realise how rude and over the top she is.
Sometimes the folk are okay and just have a problem
I worked for and with a plumber with OCD. He has a tough time. Not the best job for it. Mind you don't know what would be.
On that diynot forum, 1st on the list on trade talk there is a woman in her 60's complaining she has had 5 quotes to get her bathroom done and nobody ever turns up to do the work after she has accepted the quote. She is so frustrated.
Her husband (no longer around) was a builder etc so she was used to him doing all the work.
I'm the most patient guy you will ever meet and always get on well with customers most guys would run a mile from but I met a similar woman to her last year and she could not be pleased whatever you did. I didn't do her bathroom but just fixed her shower after two other guys 'failed'.
She was behind me the whole time stressing out and was like "you cant do it can you!? you said you could do it" getting all nasty with me! For about an hour and a half she was pecking at me, thinking about it now I should have just stormed out but I just wanted to get the water back on and get out of there.
I've never been so angry but I kept my cool, I could have lost it and got right up in her face and called her every name under the sun but the type of woman she was she would have ruined me. In the end I fixed it but I was a nervous wreak.
I bet that was the same woman or one similar.
She was one vindictive cow and to any guys on here saying they would have done X or Y she would not rest till you were all over the papers and internet as a cowboy.
I hate customers that watch you, when your trying to fix something, let alone telling you that you can't do it,
Should of just asked her politely to let you get on with it
Sometimes I can't help but feel this forum functions too often as a means to take comfort in consensus.
There's so rarely any attempt to truly sympathise with the customers.
I don't give a **** you understand. Just can't help but notice.
But there is NO polite way of getting someone in their OWN home to remove themselves from near you! :smile:
Except if you say, - " Be careful getting close to me as I have got a serious virus!"
Ive used the
I'd love a culpa tea
Or there might be a bit of water squirting out ill have to shut the door
Or just Fart really loud and say ohh that curry last night was a bad idea (that's a last resort)
Or go the van to get something and pretend to be on the phone and hope the get bored
But I have used the I work a lot faster when I'm left to it, they usually leave me in piece then
Although some customer are good and will have a chat but leave you be at the same time
I just can't get over this culture of everything having to be done at the cheapest possible option. I would never contemplate gettin a sparks or a spread into my place and saying will it be cheaper if I get all the bits. It's just out and out tight. I'm all for haggling on price if I think something is overpriced like buying a used car for example, but in terms of contracting and the skills people bring their price is their price. I don't entertain those people that say oh would you do the job for xx amount less than your quote. What's the point in me quoting as you obviously have a figure in mind
Yeah agreed. I did a job for a couple of university professors. Just ignored the fact that their bathroom floor was rotten because of a leaking shower called me in to fix shower but couldn't understand why I said they'd need to replace the floor too. Thought I was trying to fleece them
I won't be back there mate. Both idiots and couldn't even work an ISO when they had a flood a year or so ago
Sometimes that is the crux of the matter, what is the bleeding obvious to us is rocket science to customers, at end of the day it's each to their own.
You are right but I was talking them through it on the phone to mitigate damage as they were 45 mins away. Don't think they even knew which end of the screwdriver to use
Reply to the thread, titled "How do you spot time wasters?" which is posted in UK Plumbers Forums on Plumbers Forums.
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