I am seeking some advice on how to seal up my sump pit. I currently get condensation on the walls and floor around the pit, and in the past there has been accumulation of mold on the walls, due to about 6" of standing water in the bottom of the pit. The air also smells bad and is somewhat humid in the area around the pit, which is surrounded by a cabinet and resides in a bedroom on the lower level of the house.
The sump pit that is almost 6' deep. The pit liner is a section of black corrugated plastic pipe that was probably cut to fit and installed by the original home builder when the house was built about 6 years ago. The top of the pipe is not flush with the concrete floor and is very near to the wall, and the floor area has some irregularities. As a result, a commercial sump pit lid does not fit onto the liner. The one in the photo is just sitting loosely on the hole. I have seen others install a piece of plexiglass over the hole but in my case this would be difficult if not impossible due to the uneven floor. I was wondering of anyone has a suggestion on how to seal up this pit.
Thank you
The sump pit that is almost 6' deep. The pit liner is a section of black corrugated plastic pipe that was probably cut to fit and installed by the original home builder when the house was built about 6 years ago. The top of the pipe is not flush with the concrete floor and is very near to the wall, and the floor area has some irregularities. As a result, a commercial sump pit lid does not fit onto the liner. The one in the photo is just sitting loosely on the hole. I have seen others install a piece of plexiglass over the hole but in my case this would be difficult if not impossible due to the uneven floor. I was wondering of anyone has a suggestion on how to seal up this pit.
Thank you