An engineer came to do a service of the boiler in a house I bought last year. It's the first service I've done of a boiler that is about 8 years old I think. The boiler has had previous services as per manufacturer recommendation.
The bloke who came took about ten minutes to tell me there was a cut, or kind of long horizontal shaving inside in the area which I've indicated in the photo. Obviously he had the front off at the time when he was showing me. He said this was caused by contraction and expansion of the aluminium and it's a common problem on my type of boiler (Intergas Kombi Kompakt HR 36 / 30.)
When he put the front plate back on and started the boiler up, he used a little dental mirror to show where gas (carbon monoxide?!?!) was escaping.
He said I should turn it off immediately and then starting quoting large numbers for replacement parts.
I'm a bit sceptical about all this. For a start, there's a carbon monoxide detector 1.5m from the boiler which has never made a sound. It was also a bit strange how he literally took the front panel and jumped to the problem immediately.
Two questions :
1 - Is this a real problem? Can the expanding and contracting aluminium really cause a cut or crack in the side of this part of the boiler?
2 - If there is gas escaping, is it carbon monoxide? If my carbon monoxide alarm is not registering it, is it safe to use?
An engineer came to do a service of the boiler in a house I bought last year. It's the first service I've done of a boiler that is about 8 years old I think. The boiler has had previous services as per manufacturer recommendation.
The bloke who came took about ten minutes to tell me there was a cut, or kind of long horizontal shaving inside in the area which I've indicated in the photo. Obviously he had the front off at the time when he was showing me. He said this was caused by contraction and expansion of the aluminium and it's a common problem on my type of boiler (Intergas Kombi Kompakt HR 36 / 30.)
When he put the front plate back on and started the boiler up, he used a little dental mirror to show where gas (carbon monoxide?!?!) was escaping.
He said I should turn it off immediately and then starting quoting large numbers for replacement parts.
I'm a bit sceptical about all this. For a start, there's a carbon monoxide detector 1.5m from the boiler which has never made a sound. It was also a bit strange how he literally took the front panel and jumped to the problem immediately.
Two questions :
1 - Is this a real problem? Can the expanding and contracting aluminium really cause a cut or crack in the side of this part of the boiler?
2 - If there is gas escaping, is it carbon monoxide? If my carbon monoxide alarm is not registering it, is it safe to use?