I have two Vitodens 200-W system boilers connected via a low loss header. They are about 7 years old and have run perfectly since they were first installed until now. They were installed as part of a whole house re-plumb and have had Fernox MB-1 Heating Protector in the circuit since day one.
One still works fine, but one keeps overheating with either an F2 or an F3 error. When they were recently serviced the plumber replaced the flame sensors and the spark ignition probes on both boilers, but that didn't solve the problem. His next suggestion was to start replacing parts until he figures out what the problem is, but given the cost of Viessmann parts, I wasn't keen on that idea, so I have tried to go as far as I can myself without touching any of the gas related parts.
I have flushed through the heat exchanger with water from a garden hose and got a small amount of magnetite out, but it seemed to be flowing freely. I removed the directional control valve (which isn't used because of the low loss header) and found it was completely caked in a hard shiny black deposit which took a lot of effort to break up and remove from the rubber. I have swapped the pumps over between the two boilers in case the pump was faulty, but the problem has remained. I don't think I can do anything more without having to disturb the gas side which I know is illegal.
When I fire up the boiler it sounds like a kettle boiling. The burner quickly regulates down from full output to low (based on the fan speed) but the temperature on the screen on the front of the boiler keeps rising until it his 92C when it cuts off. The pump keeps running and the temperature gradually comes down until it reaches 62C when it ignites and the same happens again. Every so often it goes over 100C and then trips with an F2 or F3 error.
None of the local plumbers seem to be experienced with Viessmann domestic boilers, so does anyone have any ideas of what the problem could be or anything more I can try before I get the plumbers back?
One final thing - while I had the system depressurised yesterday, I also thought I would check the pressure in the expansion tanks on both the boilers. In both cases when I pressed a pressure gauge onto the Schrader valve I got fountains of water spewing out of the valve. I guess that means both the bladders have failed as there shouldn't be any water in there. Am I right?
One still works fine, but one keeps overheating with either an F2 or an F3 error. When they were recently serviced the plumber replaced the flame sensors and the spark ignition probes on both boilers, but that didn't solve the problem. His next suggestion was to start replacing parts until he figures out what the problem is, but given the cost of Viessmann parts, I wasn't keen on that idea, so I have tried to go as far as I can myself without touching any of the gas related parts.
I have flushed through the heat exchanger with water from a garden hose and got a small amount of magnetite out, but it seemed to be flowing freely. I removed the directional control valve (which isn't used because of the low loss header) and found it was completely caked in a hard shiny black deposit which took a lot of effort to break up and remove from the rubber. I have swapped the pumps over between the two boilers in case the pump was faulty, but the problem has remained. I don't think I can do anything more without having to disturb the gas side which I know is illegal.
When I fire up the boiler it sounds like a kettle boiling. The burner quickly regulates down from full output to low (based on the fan speed) but the temperature on the screen on the front of the boiler keeps rising until it his 92C when it cuts off. The pump keeps running and the temperature gradually comes down until it reaches 62C when it ignites and the same happens again. Every so often it goes over 100C and then trips with an F2 or F3 error.
None of the local plumbers seem to be experienced with Viessmann domestic boilers, so does anyone have any ideas of what the problem could be or anything more I can try before I get the plumbers back?
One final thing - while I had the system depressurised yesterday, I also thought I would check the pressure in the expansion tanks on both the boilers. In both cases when I pressed a pressure gauge onto the Schrader valve I got fountains of water spewing out of the valve. I guess that means both the bladders have failed as there shouldn't be any water in there. Am I right?