All very good points ( with which I agree ).
I think that there is a much bigger picture there too. If you look at it ( solar PV ) as a bit of a quirk. On the face if it, it was easier to instal than thermal solar, it took off and then got caught up in the embedded power debate. The level of uncontrolled generation grew quickly to such a level that it (embedded power) impacted (negatively) peak power prices for the major generators. That quickly moved on to large private investors shunning the UK power sector for future investment.
Sadly ( in my view) the consequence appears to be that all forms of power generation ( even coal) now seem to attract a Govt. subsidy of one sort or another.
As with all these issues, the consequence is that those who can least afford to pay their power bills are those who are impacted most.
If you couple that with the proposed (?) ban on gas fired domestic heating for future new builds - people are being burdened with using an energy source ( grid electricity) that is currently three times the price of gas to heat their homes.
That is not intended to be a political statement, but I earn a very good living and cringe at my power bills. How do those not so fortunate deal with it?
On the heating side - we really need a small, but knowledgeable lobby group, to educate and promote the benefits of solar thermal with the Dept for Business, Energy and Inovation.
Apologies if the above is not appropriate for this forum.