Vern, what you describe IS short cycling. The boiler will fire. A slug of hot water will make its way around the system and the flow temp will rise very quickly. The boiler will see this and turn off burner which then initiates the anti short cycling. Boiler will then sit for 3 mins or whatever pumping the water which is now cooling quickly as the MWT drops. Boiler then fires shortly again, temp rises quickly, process repeats until rooms stat satisfied.
this is still short cycling. Also all boilers fire on a higher than minimum rate, then wind down after ignition so the problem is made slighty worse by this fact.
again, it will work, yes. But this isn't how these appliances are tested and SEDBUK rated. They won't condense hardly at all so running like this I would guess and say they are a similar efficiency to a S.E.
Just to add, we are all doing it, its the combi's that we all love that make it hard to be able to size the boilers correctly. If I specced a heat only and cylinder every time someone wanted a combi I wouldn't win much work either so I'm not trying to pretend I size every boiler perfectly as its impossible when the customers are experts and know exactly what they need.
you can get away with it a lot easier with gas, less so with oil, solid fuel etc where the boiler doesn't modulate etc