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View the thread, titled "should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for money?" which is posted in Gaining Plumbing Experience on UK Plumbers Forums.

Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

You have to be qualified to do gas work but we still see the pics posted on here an in the mags, the poor work will still be carried out, qualified or not

Qualification/regulation is definitely the way to go. For new entrants, how about a comprehensive 'degree' type course? Paramedics and social workers now both have these in place. Rogue traders should be prosecuted more readily and not be allowed to simple start trading again under a new name, as is the case at the moment. Crazy world!
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

NVQ2 is roughly the equivilent to a C&G craft cert and a NVQ3 to Advanced Craft.
When i served my time probably around 80% only did the Craft (3 years) as going back for the 4th year was down to the employer.

Now it is (in Scotland) a standard to do an SVQ3 which is still only 3 years so where has the extra year's study gone? No more 3D trigonometry and Reynolds numbers?
How many can remember how to use /do that?
cant knock the lads with just the nvq2, it was a choice to get on the tools early and get earning quicker than the boys who wanted to be forman work in the office or sign of the jobs at the time 'sod that'= lets go to the pub.
my point is, if you have a nvq2, gas ticket, work for yourself but get advice or employ help for more complex jobs, then i ask is a plumber with nvq3 working for an employer any better a plumber?.
after all the nvq3 bit covers complex heating systems (open vent & unvented), system design, business skills and gas. if you have your own business this is what you pay others for, it does not mean you are a crapper 'plumber'.

another point of thought,
when you take the school run car in to the local garage for a new set of brakes, do you ask the mechanic to show you his qualifications?.
i can bet a lot of 'back street garages' are not all that qualified on paper and there is no law against it either,
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

I am not knocking guys with the level 2 thing as before it was explained by tamz i never new what the difference was any one who has went to study at college and got a trade certificate with experience is a plumber just not these guys who only do the college but dont work for a couple of years at least min 2 years should not be allowed to start up plumbing buisinesses as it is false in what the are saying as they dont have the experience to call themselfs a plumber.
This was what this whole thread was about was should the government make it law to protect the public from rogue tradesmen you see on those shows on tv.
I think it is about time there were stricter regulations about what you need to do to call yourself not only a plumber but any other trade that is out there
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

There will always be rogue tradesmen,no matter what is done that won't change. I think the public are better protected and more aware of that than ever,that's down to the publicity and the whole Watchdog/Rogue trader culture,also the internet has had a huge influence,all the information is there for customers if they want to look.

The problem lies with the quality of the training on offer now,it's simply not as good as it was and as a result standards drop accordingly.If it was standardised so that there was one way into the industry,combining good classroom work and proper on the job training things would improve.It's not very likely though,those days seem to have gone and there are too many willing to fill the places on fast track courses.As stated in previous posts it's not the fault of the people who take these courses,and there are lots of good tradesmen produced by the current methods,although I think that's down to the individuals' talents rather than the training.

Would a law help? I'm not so sure,we already have Gas Safe,Oftec,HETAS,CIPHE,WRAS et al and we're having these discussions more than ever,maybe it could be tightened up but if the customers don't heed it and ensure that they employ the right people then how much difference would it make?

By improving the way people are trained the whole industry would benefit and so would customers,start at the source.Easier said than done I'm afraid.
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Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

no need to bring in a further layer of competence, just tighten up the training and asssessment in the first place and ask that people are qualified. thats were the new quals come in
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

so we can say that the conclusion this thread has come to is that the government could start by banning all fast track courses in plumbing then? or at least the ones that run when people dont have any experience in the industry or dont have a company willing to give them experience.
I cant understand why anyone would pay 6 grand to a fast track centre and come out worse than a first years apprentice and then are let loose on the general public.

Gas is regulated so is oil etc etc but badly installed plumbing and particuarly sanitation systems can be hazardous to peoples health if not installed with the proper understanding and in the correct way.
also people who dont have correct experience can cause lots of damage to peoples houses as they dont really know what they are doing and will probably flood the house.

I think this has now been discussed from every angle and every one can safely say that there will be not one single change made to the current set up anytime soon which is a real shame as single parents and the elderly up and down the country will keep getting charged for plumbing work that they cant afford and then will have to pay again to get it fixed i feel sorry for them as a person who calls there self a plumber or any other trade name should not be allowed to do so without proving competence rant over
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

I think one more thing thatr could help is for instance insurance companys will not pay out for any water damage unless the work caqrried out was from a time served plumber this would then force customers to think twice about who they employ to do work in there house.
I think this would be the best angle to hit it from
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

I think one more thing thatr could help is for instance insurance companys will not pay out for any water damage unless the work caqrried out was from a time served plumber this would then force customers to think twice about who they employ to do work in there house.
I think this would be the best angle to hit it from
wont work,
not every one has insurance, its not compulsory.
i and the wife for over 20 years=no insurance and no real need to untill recently we have it free through the bank.

simples is just to make it illegal so you can be arrested for practicing without a licence just the same as if your driving. let the customer rat on them.
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

A person who calls themselves a Plumber should have integrity and be able to carry out what he or she claims they can.

As has been pointed out in mails qualification is not the answer. Some registered and qualified people seem to make more mess than an unqualified one. Licensing will not help either only drive up prices in an already expensive repair industry.

Just make it against the law to do bad Plumbing and police the industry properly.
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

how can they make bad plumbing law? its subjective, laws need to be black and white.
proper quals are the answer
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

I am wondering if in the future it might be a good idea to internationalize a licensing scheme for plumbers? This way, knowledge (and enterprises like water conservation) could be pooled, and techniques and their implementation advanced. Besides, then I could think of using this professional credential to see so much of the world outside the UK, since I could finance my travels by working on the hoof.
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

this point i am making here has nothing to do with the law just what other countrys seem to think of your current set up for example and this is a fact a guy from scotland who has done his apprenticship in scotland applys to work in australia providing he passes all criminal checks etc is accepted no problem a guy who has done his training in england under your current system ie nvq applys to work in australia he will find it twice as tough and will need to sit more exams than the guy who is snjib registered and served his time in scotland this is a fdact google it up.
Now if this does not tell you the current set up you got going on is not flawed then i dont no what does basically people know the quality of plumber being produced due to this fast track culture cannot be accepted.
scottish qualifications are accepted anywhere no problem are nvqs? so a guy who done his nvq the correct way i.e. 3 or 4 years apprenticeship can be tarred with the same brush as the guy who fast tracked as they have got same qualification on paper very very strange how it was allowed to get to this stage
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

The JIB grade is accepted all over the world probably, because it is not solely based on qualification but also on track record as well as capabilities. In other words you have to have put in the time and done the work before or similar to get a grade. That is a simple common sense approach.

I can't understand people relying on qualification all the time. Would you go skiing with an instructor who had only read about it in a book?

By the way when I worked as a training officer you could usually get a fee for submitting C and G questions. So any qualification would be based on what questions where accepted for the exam and that would depend on what the training officers knew about Plumbing.

One student I had, had passed his HVCG somewhere but was taking it again. I asked why and he said "In class we all did the projects together it never tested me" the questions where all multi choice and I just guessed lucky for the answers. Honest guy!

But he had no confidence in himself to know what he was doing despite being qualified.
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Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

The JIB grade is accepted all over the world probably, because it is not solely based on qualification but also on track record as well as capabilities. In other words you have to have put in the time and done the work before or similar to get a grade. That is a simple common sense approach.

I can't understand people relying on qualification all the time. Would you go skiing with an instructor who had only read about it in a book?

By the way when I worked as a training officer you could usually get a fee for submitting C and G questions. So any qualification would be based on what questions where accepted for the exam and that would depend on what the training officers knew about Plumbing.

One student I had, had passed his HVCG somewhere but was taking it again. I asked why and he said "In class we all did the projects together it never tested me" the questions where all multi choice and I just guessed lucky for the answers. Honest guy!

But he had no confidence in himself to know what he was doing despite being qualified.

may be summit skills and the jib should be doing more to combat this type oif thing.
yes you can get people who are very good at exams but have no real understanding of how to a carry out the job with there hands.
and multi choice questions? i hope that staement is not correct as if mukti choice usually straight away 2 answers will be totally wrong and even a monkey would know this so the guy has only 2 others toi pick from and let me guess if he gets wrong he gets another chance?
I think people like bernie who seems to know what he is talking about should be getting asked from the powers that be for his input in changeing things for the better in this industry.
I got family in building trade in england who have seen my work and told me good plumbers are hard to find these days as the bad ones out number them now wow change needs to bhappen soon
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

The JIB grade is accepted all over the world probably, because it is not solely based on qualification but also on track record as well as capabilities. In other words you have to have put in the time and done the work before or similar to get a grade. That is a simple common sense approach.

I can't understand people relying on qualification all the time. Would you go skiing with an instructor who had only read about it in a book?

By the way when I worked as a training officer you could usually get a fee for submitting C and G questions. So any qualification would be based on what questions where accepted for the exam and that would depend on what the training officers knew about Plumbing.

One student I had, had passed his HVCG somewhere but was taking it again. I asked why and he said "In class we all did the projects together it never tested me" the questions where all multi choice and I just guessed lucky for the answers. Honest guy!

But he had no confidence in himself to know what he was doing despite being qualified.

how is your capabilities judged on jib card? when i had an advanced installers card years ago it just needed signing by an employer, anyone will do that to get rid of you...or was that just me in my early 20s?
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

how is your capabilities judged on jib card? when i had an advanced installers card years ago it just needed signing by an employer, anyone will do that to get rid of you...or was that just me in my early 20s?

having a jib card does not prove you are some sort of plumbing specialist but what it does prove at least is you have actually proved you worked in the industry for 5 , 4 or even 3 years or whatever years you done so will have a damn lot more experience than others and that you done college etc etc etc i am finished commenting on this thread now altogether i know now what needs to be done but i also know it wont happen so whats the point
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

Hi Ces

Don't underestimate the value of Eng Tech it is a Professional Qualification. Whilst the easiest way to gain recognition is through college (Tech Cert) together with work-based (N/SVQ) gained qualifications, there has to be other ways to gain recognition. That said they need to be more exacting otherwise we could just hand them out to anyone and it would be the general public that would suffer whilst the amateur learned how to be professional with no supervision and leaving behind a trail of mistakes and people who think we are all as bad as the worst of Rogue Traders.

Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

You carnt solely blame these fast track courses as its down to these guys taking them that should have the responsibility and realise they are not world class plumbers when they have there qualifications, and should realise that the years to come are when they will learn the trade. It was day release when i was at collage over 2 years, so i had plenty of hands on experience when i finised at collage. even now 19 years later im still picking information up. Its hard nowdays yes but an apprenticeship has to be the only way. ive almost finished my gas now after 12 months of portfolio building and know ive alot of learning still to be done, but as im learning i know that safety will be paramount.
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

I don't underestimate it to be honest, I'm actually working my way to IEng. Still trading quite successfully, and still learning, but I expect to be learning right up to the day I pack up the tools.
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

There is far to much regulation, rules, laws and interference in our lives by sucsessive goverments. Some things should be regulated like the gas industry but they haven`t done a very good job of that either. dont think passing another law will make one bit of difference to the plumbing industry. When a house holder employes a mate or Joe down the street he knows what he is doing, he is exercising his freedom. I would prefare he employed a time served or trained plumber, however I will defend his right to spend his money were he wants. I would not want to spend my life in a country that has lost the freedom of the individual, look at the countries in Asia they would love our freedoms don`t give your rights and freedoms away so cheap.
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

There is far to much regulation, rules, laws and interference in our lives by sucsessive goverments. Some things should be regulated like the gas industry but they haven`t done a very good job of that either. dont think passing another law will make one bit of difference to the plumbing industry. When a house holder employes a mate or Joe down the street he knows what he is doing, he is exercising his freedom. I would prefare he employed a time served or trained plumber, however I will defend his right to spend his money were he wants. I would not want to spend my life in a country that has lost the freedom of the individual, look at the countries in Asia they would love our freedoms don`t give your rights and freedoms away so cheap.

What rights or freedoms has the person living below Joe got when water poor’s through their ceiling, as he has got a decorator in to repair his pipework or what rights or freedoms has a neighbour got when they turn on the cold tap in the kitchen and fowl soil water runs out, siphoned from next door’s newly fitted shower they let the gardener fit while they were exercising their rights
Your rights and freedoms are..... to have plumbing or..... not have plumbing, if he decides to have plumbing, he has a obligation to those around him to maintain it and have it maintained correctly

Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

With freedoms comes resonsability I never said we should abandon our responsabilities or obligations to our neighbours, taking away freedoms is another matter, the idea of engineering a ordered society has failed through out the world, check out Russia, China ext. (not having a go at anyone, just airing my opinion which was asked for or should that be regulated as well)
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

With freedoms comes resonsability I never said we should abandon our responsabilities or obligations to our neighbours, taking away freedoms is another matter, the idea of engineering a ordered society has failed through out the world, check out Russia, China ext. (not having a go at anyone, just airing my opinion which was asked for or should that be regulated as well)

So should we defend the rights and freedoms of Joe to get who he likes in to do his plumbing
the rights and freedoms of the person down stairs would may be flooded and all her possessions damaged

you are airing your opinion and very much appreciated

and ,no, I do not think opinions should be regulated, just potential irresponsible actions

Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

There is far to much regulation, rules, laws and interference in our lives by sucsessive goverments. Some things should be regulated like the gas industry but they haven`t done a very good job of that either. dont think passing another law will make one bit of difference to the plumbing industry. When a house holder employes a mate or Joe down the street he knows what he is doing, he is exercising his freedom. I would prefare he employed a time served or trained plumber, however I will defend his right to spend his money were he wants. I would not want to spend my life in a country that has lost the freedom of the individual, look at the countries in Asia they would love our freedoms don`t give your rights and freedoms away so cheap.

does joe pay tax?
Re: should government make it law to be qualified plumber to do plumbing work for mon

I dont suppose Joe pay`s tax, (hyperthetic Joe) but I bet most of us myself included trade with Wolsley, who`s re-located abroad to a tax freindly country to avoid UK tax, so lets not be to hard on Joe if we trade with any wolsley company. As for irisponsable actions how about the merchants ect, we trade with that sell boilers, rads ect to Joe Public. The goverment encourage that, don`t have a go at our Joe who lives down your road when there are greater wrongs going on undisturbed

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