Hi all
I have Vaillant 624 running 3 circuits; a Telford unvented tank and then 2 hearings circuits (downstairs & 1st/2nd floor).
This is currently all run with 3x 2-port valves in and-plan+ configuration with Hive controls. I did have LLH fitted which was removed about a year ago for some trials with a 637 boiler. Now I’m thinking about getting this reinstated but also upgrading all the controls to Vaillant to utilise better modulation and control of temps for each circuit (possibly hw priority as well). Having a look around and I haven’t been able to pin point a list of items needed to get this all working correctly. I would need the wireless setup as as far as I can tell I need a vr71 wiring centre, vrc720f wireless (downstairs), vr92f wires (upstairs) And a sensoNet gateway.
Is this all correct?? I have attached a diagram of my setup once LLH has been installed for reference…it’s the same now minus LLH and secondary pump

I have Vaillant 624 running 3 circuits; a Telford unvented tank and then 2 hearings circuits (downstairs & 1st/2nd floor).
This is currently all run with 3x 2-port valves in and-plan+ configuration with Hive controls. I did have LLH fitted which was removed about a year ago for some trials with a 637 boiler. Now I’m thinking about getting this reinstated but also upgrading all the controls to Vaillant to utilise better modulation and control of temps for each circuit (possibly hw priority as well). Having a look around and I haven’t been able to pin point a list of items needed to get this all working correctly. I would need the wireless setup as as far as I can tell I need a vr71 wiring centre, vrc720f wireless (downstairs), vr92f wires (upstairs) And a sensoNet gateway.
Is this all correct?? I have attached a diagram of my setup once LLH has been installed for reference…it’s the same now minus LLH and secondary pump