Went to a small hotel we put new boilers and cylinder in last year as they were complaining about no hot water and heating on the top floor. I should add that's all we did as I thought the existing systems needed total ripping out and starting again but they didn't want to spend the money. Hot water turned out to just be a case of running the taps for longer (the whole system's a nightmare with plastic/copper/iron all mixed up and a rusty water problem if left for a few days) to get it through, even though there is a circ pump on the HWS return. Heating has a diddly little domestic pump off the boilers (not our doing!) and this interesting arrangement on the first floor. At first I thought it was two separate flows but turns out they had the older pump on the flow and the newer pump on the return going up to the upper floors. Old pump was seized so freed it off, ran for a few seconds then stopped again. Suggested to them they need a new one but will price for ripping out this bodge job, putting a much larger pump for the heating downstairs and balancing it up. Reckon my guide dog could do a better job!