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Buying meds online

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Evening all. A very random one for a Sunday night. I've got thumping toothache again and I know a trip to the dentist is needed but I'm a big wuss and terrified of dentists. I know amoxicillin will sort me out and I've seen that I can buy it online. How safe are these things? Kate thinks its ridiculous but I'm going through around 18 pain killers a day and need the penicillin.

Anyone used these sites before? Please don't preach and have a go, I'm somewhat desperate.
Stop being daft and get yourself to the dentist! You don know what damage your doing to yourself.
And stop eating sweet stuff!
have a half a bottle of jd then get kate with the pliers
Stop being daft and get yourself to the dentist! You don know what damage your doing to yourself.
And stop eating sweet stuff!

Mate I know that I should but I don't have a spare few hundred quid kicking around and I'm petrified. I mean seriously can't get in the chair terrified.
Never ever buy drugs online (full stop), you`ve got absolutely no idea what you are really swallowing. I could tell you examples but doubt you would believe me mate.

Get bottle of Brandy or Whiskey and take a small amount and swill it over & around the infected tooth then swallow or spit depending on your taste.
Mate I know that I should but I don't have a spare few hundred quid kicking around and I'm petrified. I mean seriously can't get in the chair terrified.

Tell them, they're used to petrified people. They might even knock you out if they think your a big enough wuss.
Tell them, they're used to petrified people. They might even knock you out if they think your a big enough wuss.

Car accident wiped out 60% of my top layer and took a few of the lower layer as well, best choice was to take the needle in the arm and let the man do his job whilst I had a doze. Took a few visits but we got there in the end, then I found out that I grind my teeth at night and one by one the implants came out.
Go down to the walk in center tell them your problem and they will prescribe antibiotics a dentist will not play with an infected tooth until the infection has gone down and as Leo said tell them your nervous they see lot's of people like you every day......don't put it off you will spoil Christmas for everyone....I speak from me I'm a plumber...regards Turnpin:46:
Evening all. A very random one for a Sunday night. I've got thumping toothache again and I know a trip to the dentist is needed but I'm a big wuss and terrified of dentists. I know amoxicillin will sort me out and I've seen that I can buy it online. How safe are these things? Kate thinks its ridiculous but I'm going through around 18 pain killers a day and need the penicillin.

Anyone used these sites before? Please don't preach and have a go, I'm somewhat desperate.

go to the dentist you big girls blouse,people have ignored tooth issues before ,infection has spread to the heart and killed people,please remove your testicles from your wifes handbag,ring the dentist and get yourself booked in,and dont buy meds online either you egit,could be buying anything
Not sure about penicillin but I here you can buy class A drugs online **** easy so I'm sure anti biotic should be simple,, wouldn't advise it as you don't know whats in what they're selling.
Your tooth ache won't go well it will postpone it but your only delaying the visit. Good luck there's nothing worse.
Evening all. A very random one for a Sunday night. I've got thumping toothache again and I know a trip to the dentist is needed but I'm a big wuss and terrified of dentists. I know amoxicillin will sort me out and I've seen that I can buy it online. How safe are these things? Kate thinks its ridiculous but I'm going through around 18 pain killers a day and need the penicillin.

Anyone used these sites before? Please don't preach and have a go, I'm somewhat desperate.

Dont do it. I stabbed my hand with a terminal driver and it became infected. Visit to the quacks and antibiotics. Cleared up so stopped taking them. 6 months later sinuses were playing up. Half four in morning took one of the antibiotics. In hospital by 5. Anaphylactic shock. Now allergic to penicillin.

Go to dentist. You'll prob get antibiotics first before he starts digging. I used to use anbesol from chemists to numb things temp till i could get to dentist.
Throw in the clove oil
Tried the clove oil not done much. Just tried rpm's whiskey trick and it's taken the edge off instantly! Will be doing something about it this week. Enoughs enough.
I'm sht scared of flying.panic attacks the lot went to my docs he gives me four diazepam tablets two out two back he told me a lot of folks who are scared of dentists take them to get in the chair .they work really good just the job to knock the edge off
Tried the clove oil not done much. Just tried rpm's whiskey trick and it's taken the edge off instantly! Will be doing something about it this week. Enoughs enough.

Just be wary of when & where you do it, customers complaining your drunk and as for explaining it to the traffic police well ...................... good luck with that! lol
Dentist tomorrow. Wish me luck.

If you pm me your address will do it when your sleeping so you won't know and you won't need to go tomorrow
I was terrified of dentists but a few years ago the missus almost physically pushed me in there and it was the best thing I ever did. Had 13 fillings in one go. Explained why I was always getting toothache!
I used to love going to the dentist as a kid, as soon as they put the mask on me I was away with fairies
Don't like it now though, was far better when they used to get you high on coke!
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