I’ve installed a Geberit concealed toilet cistern. It has a pneumatic dual-flush button. The flush button is very difficult to push, once pushed it does flush but it requires a lot of effort.
Is this normal for a pneumatic flush button, can anything be done to make it easier to push?
We are trying to replace the push button flush on our toilet. We've got a replacement flush, that includes seals for 1.5" and 2" cisterns, however the diameter of the hole at the bottom of our cistern is bigger, about 2.65cm/2.7". We've attempted to use the 2"seal,with the old doughnut seal...
Hello All,
I'm trying to install a rimless toilet and I just cannot get the flush to function as it should. Here's a video of what's going on - the water doesn't reach the front of the bowl.
I've raised the issues with the supplier and after sending videos and pictures of the set up, they...
I have just bought a new flush for my cistern as the old had broken however upon fitting, the new flush outlet is the same width as the pipe leading to the toilet and im struggling finding a way of connecting them. Can I just have someone tell me there is some sort of fitting or adapter I can...
My toilet flush is very weak & can't really even flush a few sheets of toilet paper away.
A syphon flush, not a flapper.
Up until a few days ago it worked perfectly, then the flush just started being really weak. Doesn't flush toilet paper at all.
Water comes out & the cistern empties, but the...
I have a Dual Flush toilet siphon. It has 3 adjustment sliders on - not the usual 2. Two large ones on each side and a smaller one on the bottom. The two large sliders adjust the flush volume for the full and half flush. Any ideas what the smaller slider at the bottom is for? The toilet is...
I have a Roca Duplo frame and a PL1 flush plate both purchased from the same supplier and the flush plate was the recommended one. The PL1 flush plate is much to big however. My frame number is the ROCA WC L 890120010 3/6 Litre. I have looked at other Roca frames of the same type and they have a...
Hi all,
Homeowner here and would be really grateful of any feedback. I've had a new combi boiler installed into a 25y/o house yesterday.
Now the boilers intermittently v loud and intermittently not giving hot for a little while. Signs it seems (tho not a professional) of the system being dirty...
I'm trying to replace a bottom entry toilet flush valve - but having problems with tight access and in particular having problems loosening the bolt to get rid of the plastic that remains of the existing valve - see photo attached. I don't seem to have enough room to get spanner or wrenches...
Some more plumbing advice, please.
I am getting a new boiler installed and this includes a Hot and Cold Chemical Flush of the system. Do I also need a Power Flush or is the Chemical Flush sufficient?
I had a Duravit Sensowash bidet installed onto a concealed cistern, with Geberit Sigma 80 flush panel. I now have a problem that when the bidet's lid is opened, it covers the flush panel, and messes with it. Basically, even when the lid is lowered, the flush panel is not getting activated...
Hi. Plumbing question. My toilet is leaking into the pan at a very slow trickle. Not causing ripples in the pan.
Plumber removed flush valve.. not the basket.. fitted a flush master onto the random basket as the leak is still present. He determined it must be residual water sitting from the...
Hi everyone. Being driven mad by a leaking toilet. 2 in fact!! It’s not the fill valve over filling to the overflow so assume it’s the flush valve.
Anyone know what make this is? The fill valve says WDI so guess the flush might be the same? If it is, is there a compatible valve I can fit in the...
My aunt asked me to have a look at her Geberit cistern which recently has suddenly stopped flushing on the short flush button. Long flush works normally as far as I can tell.
This is the flush mechanism (the label suggests PN 7074-98) , please excuse the mess:
Took the whole thing...
Evening All
We are having a new heat exchanger fitted to a Veissmann boiler, the boiler is only six months old, the installers carried out a power flush but only after the boiler had been running for about a fortnight, then after six months it failed to heat radiators to temperature. Viessmann...
We had a plumber install a high rise low flow (1.6 gal / flush) toilet about a year ago. It worked fine for about 6 months. Since then, the plumber has been here 3 times because the toilet won't flush properly. The plumber has used a RIGID tool. He has replaced the ball cock and cleaned the...
For a while now one of my flush buttons on the toilet has started sticking down and so it just continues flushing. I can get it to pop back up by wiggling it around a bit but this is starting to get quite annoying.
Is there any part of the system I could easily replace myself that would fix...
It's a Thomas Dudley Vantage (TD 212-A) dual flush. Possibly getting on for 13 years old.
I'm not a plumber but I try to solve problems myself. I found members of this forum extremely helpful some years ago when I installed a replacement Mira shower - very proud of myself! I've had to sign up...
I cleaned the system last year with a mains flush. There was a little inky stuff and a bit of sludge at the very end when I emptied out the rad I took off the wall, but no rads have ever had cold patches. Most pipes are hep20 but I had small section replaced by copper 2 years ago...