did you screw the flue to the spigot on the boiler? as cant see any in the pic,
and that wiring is a mess why didnt you shorten and use proper flex clips instead of t+e
wheres the fcu for the boiler as well?
wheres the main lever/full bore valve to turn the mains off to the boiler
I assume croft would have done everything to regs and the ins man and this photo was taken before the job was actually finished
Looks like a small shelf/ledge under the boiler, thats where I would have put the spur
Also, Ideal have a vert flue adaptor which is held in place with a screwed clamp and from memory, doesn't need a self tapper through the joint into the air duct
I never put a full bore/lever valve before a boiler isolation valve on my installs either, can't see the point