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Hey Heinz, is 57 your IQ?

Our training includes a comprehensive section of business training so we dont have to look for a job, or rely on others. The purpose is to get us starting our own business by being self employed. You obviously know nothing about the course or what it involves. Sorry, but your downer attitude is typical, maybe your life is negative but keep it to yourself eh?

To some the pint pot is half full, to some its half empty but negative people like you seem to just want to take away the pot from others.

"Our training" Are you an employee of train4trade skills? Sure sounds like it! Im laughing for so many reasons and you'll find out why when you get out there into customers homes. Your ignorance is staggering, they have reeled you right in and you have fallen for their BS hook line and sinker. I think its bad how you've been conned and when you go out there self employed you'll know it too. The amount of fast trackers that get kicked off jobs is staggering and no i don't think its funny but all i see is people like you making a balls up. Have you got £10000 ready for your self employed adventure? I spoke to a guy who did his fast track course, he was taken aside with the other boys and was told to do a CV, this five minute conversation was the "business advice" so good luck with that. As for my iq, it was 147 in college, thats doctor standard baby so maybe i'll go and do a fast track brain surgery course and you can be my first patient!😛
People want to believe that fast track courses are great and lucrative at the end. Employees or owners of private companies will have you believe its a positive attitude that wins the day.

The reality is somewhat different, but if you point this out your likely to be called 'negative'. Well if all these people belive the positive frame of mind wins the day pay out your money and good luck to you. I hope for yourselves it works out, the stats suggest otherwise.

dont believe something to be true just because someone said it was
Don't get me wrong I am not so naive onto thinking that once I have finished my course I am going to be fine working all in my own self employed! I am going to try and get a job with a company or plumber for some years to come because I know you can't learn everything from practical and written exams!!!!
So sorry to hear your dreams of being in the medical proffession were dashed but so glad you didnt choose to be a doctor heinz, championing a training style that favours learning from your mistakes in the field. I can just see you in surgery going oops. Dont believe your generalisations let alone your IQ. Just sticking up for the guys like me who do the course at southampton. Fuzzy has a good point for both sides of the debate;

"dont believe something to be true just because someone said it was"

Likewise dont believe people like you who knock training courses just because they dont like them themselves, its each to their own and i needed to keep working as well as training so the style was ideal for me. You dont know the content or the methods of training so your opinion is baseless. If you had done the same course I am going through and your opinion was based on personal experience then I would value your opinion. You havent so I dont. So it doesnt take a brain surgeon to recognise you are just someone with an inflated sense of your own importance, like people should listen only to you. I am already getting work coming in self employed, only stuff like radiators and bathroom fits, but i am on a secondary income of about £220 working my weekends. Might be best in your life to stick to what you know yourself not pass opinion on something you know nothing about. Your life must be very sad. Spare us the benefit of your less than valuable opinion and stick to what you know not what you want others to THINK you know. "Doctor standard baby" my ar*e, more like the janitor.
Good luck trying to find a job in this climate once you all finish ya 20 day training courses, try explaining to an employer while your better than a bloke who's done a 3 year hands on apprenticeship.

3 year? mine was 4 also all the ones ive ever been invloved with have been 4.

others, make your own mind up, which route is right for you, just dont believe that there is a good living out there just waiting for you, not that you cannot achieve it, just that it isnt likely, some will make it and some wont, do it for the right rreasons and it was the right choice regardless

Hi everyone! Let me introduce myself, I'm on the T4TS course, C&G 6129 Level 2 & 3. Started in April this year & I've just completed
mod24. I haven't been on any practicals yet, because just before I passed mod12 I got a letter telling me only after I reached the minimum payment of 1300. Now I've completed mod24 and a couple of days ago I got another letter letting me know to go to 3rd & 4th practical week I have to reach 1600 at least. Called them up and found can only finish the course after the full payment is made.
To be honest I'm not going to moan too much, they gave me the chance to go on this course where others refused due to my bad credit. The course is what it says on the tin. The study material is quite good and with my input and positivity I can't see how I can fail to better my life and family.
Call me sad, but I've read all posted messages in here since 2008, a lot of negative feedback but there is a lot of positive ones as well. I chose to get on with it and be positive. In my opinion T4TS are like other course providers but at least they gave me this oppurtunity and I'm going to make the most of it. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL !!
Sorry this was so long I want do it again. Angelo
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its worrying how many of these fast trackers post on here thinking they can solve the biggest problem with just 8 weeks of training or ten weeks or however long these various courses tend to last.

and i know they are learning the same curriculum as we all have that did the 6129 but they are not getting it to the same standard. it is rushed!

i will never employ a fast tracker, one cos i dont kno his skills and two my apprentice is more handy to have as he is bright he knows his trade and before any of you naysayers tell me im not paying him enough i pay him a weekly wage of £400. i trust him to do the job without any mistakes, if he does he sorts them, not only that the boy learns real quick, he is an asset to my company, and im already taking applications for my next one, to replace my current one when he wants to go solo next year.

i know he is time served and trained properly to deal with the nightmare jobs and to not screw a job up cos he has that valuable expereience and learnt his trade over 4 years. in that time he has learnt from difficult jobs we have had to deal with, seen me struggle to keep the money coming in during the tight times.

i just dont think you get that with this type of course that is often bandied about the place. Good luck to all of you, but you are taking a big big risk. i for one wouldnt be wanting to pay thousands. i remember my apprenticship, i paid for it at the time, £500 per year, that is the true cost of a course, not these over inflated prices.

Im so glad that C&G are bringing in thi diploma as it might just might put a stop to these private centres misleading people over what they can actually do.

The new diploma will require you to be in employment before you can start it with someone who is already qualified i have been told (so i stand to be corrected)
there is no C&G 6129 level 1? Have they even told you what your doing for your money?

Well spoted, it is true then, you do have a big IQ. Obviously there is no C&G 6129 NVQ L1. I'm actually doing C&G 6129 NVQ L2 & 3.
Yes they have told me exactly what I am doing for my money and yes it is my money, get it?

When I finish, I am not looking to be a employee again, probably a sole trader to begin with. Don't get me wrong I know it's not going to be a walk in the park, but with the right attitude a lot of effort, good advise and support I believe I will be able to make a living.
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Well spoted, it is true then, you do have a big IQ. Obviously there is no C&G 6129 L1. I'm actually doing C&G 6129 L2 & 3.
Yes they have told me exactly what I am doing for my money and yes it is my money, get it?

When I finish, I am not looking to be a employee again, probably a sole trader to begin with. Don't get me wrong I know it's not going to be a walk in the park, but with the right attitude a lot of effort, good advise and support I believe I will be able to make a living.

good at least you know where you are going and whre you have been, lots of posters on here (rad the threads) come on with the attitude that they will be fully qual'ed inc experience and be able to take on the world, sadly thats not the case and many of them go back to their other job full time. the stats show it all!!

i wish you the best of luck as its a dog eat dog world out their.

Well spoted, it is true then, you do have a big IQ. Obviously there is no C&G 6129 L1. I'm actually doing C&G 6129 L2 & 3.
Yes they have told me exactly what I am doing for my money and yes it is my money, get it?

When I finish, I am not looking to be a employee again, probably a sole trader to begin with. Don't get me wrong I know it's not going to be a walk in the park, but with the right attitude a lot of effort, good advise and support I believe I will be able to make a living.

So no NVQ then?
Re: train 4 trade skills scenario 4


i see you are on senario 4, any tips on how to complte senario 1? thanks, apache
People say they have researched this in detail then get confused over the levels and types of qualification on offer. I think 'research' is more than often a case of talking to salespeople err i mean advisor's.
Both quals are 2 years out of date anyway, very old hat and a large cost, government are putting all money into apprentices at all ages so why would people pay all this money on an outgoing qual? Didn't the research pick that up?
We are struggling to get hold of T4TS. They came round to speak to my husband about the course. Rang to follow up but he hadnt made a decision so he said he would call back. He hasnt and now we cant get hold of them. Rang the call centre and they couldnt help. All we can do is go on a database for info to be sent. Has anyone got a phone number to enrol?

I had someone who came to visit me yesterday, I was all up for it,sold it to me very well and sounded to good to be true.

I was due a second visit this evening, but after reading all this I canx straight away, so looks like ive saved some money.

I had someone who came to visit me yesterday, I was all up for it,sold it to me very well and sounded to good to be true.

I was due a second visit this evening, but after reading all this I canx straight away, so looks like ive saved some money.


Not always as bad as everyone makes out mate! I doin t4ts course and I think it's fine! Not been mis sold one thing and I getin level 2+3 tech cert and this leads on to nvq 2+3 best thing I have done!
Not always as bad as everyone makes out mate! I doin t4ts course and I think it's fine! Not been mis sold one thing and I getin level 2+3 tech cert and this leads on to nvq 2+3 best thing I have done!

did they tell you the quals you are on are out of date?
To be honest fuzzy I started b4 they went out of date and whilst at jtl which is the main training provider they said the quals just bein super seeded? Basically they still recognised but u can't enrol as new from this september
Re: t4t skills

i tryrd 2 do the cold water system check clicked on every thing under the sink but not leting me do it done every thing els just the system check doing me head in know lyk can u help out
To be honest fuzzy I started b4 they went out of date and whilst at jtl which is the main training provider they said the quals just bein super seeded? Basically they still recognised but u can't enrol as new from this september

so u doing this with jtl or t4ts?

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