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Re: Train 4 trade skills (t4ts)

im not bitching and i am writing this with a little grin and confused, but...

me tooo. s/emp

look the best place to start is getting work with your local councils where you can learn more and there standard is not that high anyway, not for the schite i have seen at least so wait till you can get on.

economic climate?
proper advertising?

my ad bill this year is short of £7k
i have earnt more this year than last year already, and yes, i could now work for a pound a day plus expenses, (come to think, i am as i am training for my gas card and my titearse mate wont pay me) do you want to compete with me noww? wake up.
all that would do is de-valuate public opinion as to how much a plumber is worth and before long we will be on the same rate as a gardener (£8 per hour here).

slash your prices you say?
immagine god forbid, some one near to you has a serious problem in their health.
you have 2 choices to fix it........

1, harley st , 1st class service and expertise guarentted to solve the problem £8,000.
2, romania, bring your own sandwiches £800.
q: who will you book with?

its the same where ever you go, people in the u.k know you get what u pay for and your most welcome to the krap as while you work 3 times harder for a third less, why be a plumber in the first place?, yes, to earn a descent living.

finally, if you are dropping your prices 33% from every one else and taking on gas jobs that you admit you cannot do, how the hell are you expecting to sub it out to a gas engineer who should be charging more than you anyway and be expecting a cut of the top for you.?.

not being personal here but i would also tell you to get stuffed and wait untill that customer rang me...

looking up at the clouds in expectation is one thing
but not if you have just gone over the edge of the cliff................................................................................................................
Re: Train 4 trade skills (t4ts)

im training with t4ts and i can see wat redsaw is saying, im only 4 months into my course so can t compete with the pro's yet but i have a buisiness background and personally i think at least 75% percent of fast trackers will have to go down the self employed route. from my experience in dealing with plumbers that have let me go out and work with them, none of them seem to want to drop their prices in the current economic climate, they say they need to get as much money as possible from the work they do have, which i can understand.. but, personaly i would slash prices by at least a third on big jobs, bite the bullet and do some proper advertising and im sure you would get some work if your prices were a lot cheaper than the competition. when i am qualified i will advertise as plumber, doing gas as well, i wll have someone i can sub work out to , obviosly getting my small cut and along with that and the knowledge and experience watching the guy do the work, if he dont like it, he can get stuffed and ill find someone who does want the work.. anyone doing one of the fast track courses just remember,there are people on here whohave managed to run succesful buisiness's and i can also tell you another fact, there are lot of people out there who have passed there courses and have got nowhere because they dont realise theat just because you have passed a plumbing course and got your qualifications that you will be automatically good at running a buisiness, running a buisiness is going to be lot harder then passing your course.. sorry to have gone off the subject a bit, you know how it is!!! just one last thing, id just like to say, i never realised how hard a plumbers a life is, you guys deserve every penny you get.. hopefully this reccession will be over in the next decade!!

surprised that while still training you are talking of slashing prices and subbing out work well ime surprised if these people are so succesfull why they are trying to move into a very stressfull market of self employed plumber
the streets are not paved with gold for plumbers and it takes a good 3-4 years to just be competent and a lot longer to be good
plumbers do deserve every penny its not an easy road to be a good qualified plumber and slashing prices is a good way to drive down the earning potential for this trade

why would an experienced gas guy sub to a beginer and also give him a cut??
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its not £300 per week, its £30 a day mon- fri 4 nights £120 still cant grumble, i'm sure some will though
Re: Train 4 trade skills (t4ts)

I agree that dropping prices is a bad idea, it would be like saying to your current employeer "I know times are tough so why not cut my wages to help you out"

I am doing the T4TS course and have never fallen under the imperssion it will be easy money. If I wanted an easy life I would stick with my current job.

I am doing the course because I enjoy plumbing and I want a job that will continue to challange me for years to come.

As this part of the fourm is about the courses I am happy with t4ts so far the material has been a good mix and I will happily answer any questions about it.
Re: Train 4 trade skills (t4ts)

firstly hello everyone this is my first post
im 2 weeks into mt t4tskills course ,paying £3900
im trying to get a new skill as was a roofer and had a accident=lost job
after reading threads on this company ,ive obviosly been misleaded as i want the skills to be a competant plumber
im looking to go with a local plumber to get some work experience as well
i am worried as ive been out of work for 3 years and want to be out working
has anyone got any pointers?🙂
Re: Train 4 trade skills (t4ts)

If you don't mind me asking how do you feel miss-lead?

If you can get work experience with a local plumber take it with both hands, it is my understanding that the course can't make you a competant plumber (I am doing the course myself) it can only give you an understanding of the under pinning logic, rules and regulations.

Getting out with another plumber will give you experience in doing the job.

So having both in my opinion is fantastic.

Any Questions just ask
Re: Train 4 trade skills (t4ts)

im having problems with the 3d disk ,first section completed task just cant seem to do the cold water check,even though ive checked everything is there a system im not doing correct,
Re: tony bryden from train 4 trade skills

i am currently on the train 4 trade skills course and i have no problems! no interest loan and it costs £35 per week to pay back and they are very helpful! you learn at your own pace and all costs towards practical assessments are covered for example if the training centre is away from your house the travel and accomodation is covered! no probs people just need to realise there are other ways of learning than goin to college and losing money! this way you can still earn and learn! end off !!!!!
Re: tony bryden from train 4 trade skills

I queried online, was phoned to say someone would come and speak to me, to discuss the course. Turns out it was a salesman which I was un-perpared for.
He sold me this amazing package.
I explained that i was mid-moving house and said time was restricted at the moment... he went into fulls sales pitch.
I asked if I could cancel after the domesticated plumbing and he stated I could (LIE).
I moved house, forgot about the course but at xmas I realised that I didn't have the time and post-poned it until June whilst i sorted more pressing personal matters.
They accepted my postponing.
However since then I have tried to cancel, but they're not having any of it.

I haven't started the course.
I was lied too... about quite a few things.

And yet I've offered to pay a cancellation fee and they're just not helping at all.
I'm stuck.

It seems they have the money and now they don't care if I start the course or not.

I'm seeking legal advice.

As I haven't actually started the course or used any of the materials then I'm hoping I have some ground to stand on.

Anyone else thinking of court action?

They shouldn't be allowed to do this.

To give you a 3 week cancellation period on a course that's so big and long is shocking.

They should give you the option of cancellation after domesticated.
As what if you find self-teaching difficult?
I queried online, was phoned to say someone would come and speak to me, to discuss the course. Turns out it was a salesman which I was un-perpared for.
He sold me this amazing package.
I explained that i was mid-moving house and said time was restricted at the moment... he went into fulls sales pitch.
I asked if I could cancel after the domesticated plumbing and he stated I could (LIE).
I moved house, forgot about the course but at xmas I realised that I didn't have the time and post-poned it until June whilst i sorted more pressing personal matters.
They accepted my postponing.
However since then I have tried to cancel, but they're not having any of it.

I haven't started the course.
I was lied too... about quite a few things.

And yet I've offered to pay a cancellation fee and they're just not helping at all.
I'm stuck.

It seems they have the money and now they don't care if I start the course or not.

I'm seeking legal advice.

As I haven't actually started the course or used any of the materials then I'm hoping I have some ground to stand on.

Anyone else thinking of court action?

They shouldn't be allowed to do this.

To give you a 3 week cancellation period on a course that's so big and long is shocking.

They should give you the option of cancellation after domesticated.
As what if you find self-teaching difficult?

I would have taken them to court if i had the money but had to accept that i had to pay 2950 instead of 6250 and just swallow it 🙁
Re: tony bryden from train 4 trade skills

I am currently doing the same course. I got the course material over a year ago but only recently started doing it. Course material seems fair enough, some mistakes but those are higlighted in the online section and corrections given. Done my first scenario which again does exactly what it says it does. I can make mistakes and flood a virtual house instead of a real one 🙂.

So far i have been happy with it, yes it's expensive but at the end I get an industry recognised qualification and the loan is interest free. At the end of the day the qualification is always going to help. I have an NVQ in floorlaying which has gotten me into some large commercial work because as part of thier insurance contractors have to be qualified.

The sale guy who came to my house is also one of my tutors, I got the standard sales speil but to be fair he's only spouting goverment statistics which I would take with a pinch of salt anyway.

maybe on the down turn he was talking about, was people not buying new houses at the moment and instead spending money on renovation of exisiting property, is this maybe what he was getting at?

Any industry at the moment is struggling not just plumbing. But you are not going to complete the course in the next 12 months and hopefully the recession might be over the worst of it by the time you finish. You main question should be can I afford to get into a credit agreement with your current job? is it safe?

lauramo, sorry to hear about your situation but it appears the issue you have is with the credit agreement which you signed not the college itself. 3 weeks cancellation to me seems fair as the legal stance on cancellation of credit agreements is 14 days Credit

Also as you have mentioned they accepted a postponing which again seems fair enough. If you took out a credit agreement on a £30,000 car or £300 tv legally it would still be the same.

NEVER SIGN ANYTHING you are not certain of. I never sign anything there and then as I want to be sure and told the sales rep this. I also asked for a copy of the credit agreement. I told him to contact me in a few days time once I have ingested everything and spoken it over with my wife which he did with no pressure.

If you feel the rep missold you the course in anyway then I would contact them and ask to speak to someone who can deal with complaints
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i think people need to wake up and smell the coffe, T4T do what it says on the tin, its hard it takes time effort and discipline. while you are studying write to every plumber you can think of, ask if they will be a mentor, one day a week, for free. i truly belive if you stay focused you will make it, some one starting a course and not doing any work towards it for 6 months does not sound to determined, and then to put the blame on the company who enrolled them is the easy thing to do.
i can only go on my experience and i think t4t skills are ok. but so are probably most of the training providers.
train 4 trade use atl for the practicals who have been around since 1991, if that makes any difference.
Hi all I am a newbie. Well I to have been looking at getting into the plumbing trade in the UK. All the courses that I have looked at sound fantastic. But reading through some of the feed back from others that have done the courses there are some things that they fail to mention. Extra costs when you are finnished the course ie; inspections on jobs that you have done. Not that I am saying that all the courses do it but some do.

I am trying to find out from some one I have done a course in South Africa and what do I need to do here to get into plumbing. No one can answer me at all at this moment. It is full domestic plumbing equal to NVQ 2 6089.
Hi Old Soutie,

Currently there are no requirements for plumbers to be qualified in the UK to work. I would only think that getting work with a company or small buisness might be hard if you have no practial experiance.

If you do find it hard getting a job with a company there is nothing legaly stopping you from being self employeed.

One thing though I would suggest you learn though is water regulations for England, Scotland or Nothern Ireland depending on where you want to work.

Good luck
Had an e-mail from them this weekend confirming that they will pay up to £150 per week accomodation/traveling expenses.
hi there, was just browsing thru the site and so your post.. i started last december on the course and am really enjoying it.. just on module 8- the dreaded water regs... how u doin on the study? was interested in u sayin about workin away as im wantin to go to canada when im finished on the course... regards greig
Hey Greg, Im sitting water regs test this coming week, Apparently its open book according to bpec website and approx 40 questions. Had a email from them the other day after asking bout it.

train 4 trade skills feedback.

this will be the last new thread on t4ts that i do.. i just want people on the course to leave honest feedback, like how far you are into the course, what you think about doing the water regs without any on the job experience, what you thought about the 2 weeks practical, what route are thinking of taking after getting your qualifications, etc.. also would like to hear from people who have passed the course, whether or not you have been succesful or not... 😕😕😕 like i said before, i only want feedback from t4ts students, not 'time-served' moanerzANDgronerz. thanks..😱😱😱
Re: T4TS, Starting my practical tomorrow

hi everyone, also doing t4ts. level 2 modules completed. didnt think i would get the next lot until i'd done the practicals. practicals booked for late august. One tip people, if you're looking to complete quickly, then you need to book the practicals as soon as you get the letter to do so after module 11 i think. the gap between available dates can be up to a few months away, so book early. it wont be within a few weeks.
anyway, just wanted to ask, do you do the level 2 C&G exam within those 2 weeks. i thought the practicals were first, then you booked somewhere to do the exam. Is it written multiple choice, or is it the computerised gola exam. do you need to revise or open books
Also do you do the water regs certificate or is that seperate. ive still got the sticker for the water regs module.
hopefully someone will know what i'm on about
Re: T4TS, Starting my practical tomorrow

I havnt done mine through T4TS but all the centres that do the practical training involve much the same thing I did mine though skills centre and I think alot of these training providers use the same centre as each other.

Ive just done and completed my course, I dont hink you get a bpec certificate, just a card with your photo on it, they will take the sticker off you when you go up there wouldnt worry bout that.

There was no Gola exam for me. I did my training through ATL in Featherstone (near Wakefield) Week one was just bending and soldering a basic written test on general plumbing, week 2 was setting up a direct cylinder to a bathroom suite there was no test it was just a practical assesment - but I have been told this has now changed and incorporates a test at the end. Then the dreaded water regs test, but its not so hard as its open book, but pays to be aware of where things are in the modules.

All I got was C+G certificates, one for each week then followed by bpec card you get in post once its gone through (still waiting) I did the unvented hot water storage as part of my final week aswell so will get CITB card for that.

Re: train4 trade skills new starter

Hi all i have been doin the t4ts course now for about 1-2 months! i have just completed module 4 and am waiting for the next lot of work to be delivered. i am also in the process of asking local plumbers if i can come and be a joey the odd day and work for him voluntary once a week to gain valuable experience and start building up my portfolio. I would recommend this to all new starters for 2 reasons 1 to gain experience before the practical so that you are not going into the practical without doing anythiong remotely hands on and 2 to build up the portfolio for the NVQ. Everything benefits yourself doin things like this so i will be doin as much as poss. Good luck all!
Re: train4 trade skills new starter

hi all t4ts students,,,,just submitted tma 18, been on the course since december 08,the last few modules are all about business, how to get customers,how to keep them once you've got them, advertising,web site design,paperwork,invoices,the list goes on..its quite interesting but some of the multiple choice answers are so easy,just common sense really...
i am booked to go for two weeks practical in september, have been waiting a while now but that was the earliest they could fit me in...
The course overall is enjoyable you can study at your leisure,the water regs module 8 i think ,takes a lot of digesting, i still occasionally pick it up and have a read from time to time...for the people that have just started the course i say stick at it and if you find yourself getting bored,put it away and try the day after, works for me...
Hi i have just read your post i to am on the t4t course i am on mod 15 been at it now for 11 months i am waiting to go down and do my practicall i have been told you do two weeks training but on the phone they told me after that now i am doing my other mods am on 15 i go down again for another two weeks is this true thanks mate good to ear the trainers are good nice one james.

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